AT MINERAL PROCESSING: What highlight are you presenting at SOLIDS Dortmund 2018?Siebtechnik GmbH: The already established elliptical-motion screen model E 3/10/II WS will be presented with a new...
STAFAG International GmbH, based in Mülheim an der Ruhr, has taken over Allgaier Process Technology GmbH in Uhingen on 1 January 2024. As the holding company for the globally operating group of...
By acquiring the Preactor Group headquartered in Chippenham in the UK, Siemens further expand its international lead in the industry software market. Preactor’s APS software solutions will add...
With ore grades declining, plus added pressures such as rising energy costs and water restrictions, it is increasingly difficult for mining companies to competitively fulfil customer demand by...
Siemens Water Technologies is providing seven filter presses for Barrick/Fluor-Techint’s gold and silver recovery project at the Pascua-Lama mine, located on the Chilean/Argentinean border. The...
Anew generation of pellet plants featuring a circular induration furnace as its core element was developed by Siemens Metals Technologies. Referred to as Circular Pelletizing Technology (CPT), this...
Siemens has opened its “Cyber Security Operation Center” (CSOC) for the protection of industrial facilities, with a joint location in Lisbon and Munich and one in Milford (Ohio) in the USA....
Siemens is undertaking the engineering, design, production and supply of the electrical equipment for the Oyu Tolgoi copper mine conveyor system. The mine is approximately 550 km south of the capital...
Hudbay S.A.C Peru, a subsidiary of Canadian Hudbay Minerals, has ordered tech-nical equipment from Siemens for the power supply and integrated automation at its Constancia copper mine in Peru. The...
Declining ore grades, price volatility, and a weakening global demand are just some of the major challenges the global mining industry is facing – while stakeholder expectations are rising at the same...