SaMoTer – The benefits of innovation tools

Digitization is a fundamental tool for tackling the future, because it means decisions can be based on facts. However, meetings and training opportunities are essential for it to spread in the construction by outlining the advantages even to the most reluctant entrepreneurs. These considerations emerged on 15 February 2023 during the second of five webinars running up to SaMoTer organized in collaboration with e-Construction under the title "Earthmoving and digital. A waste of time?"

© Veronafiere, Ennevie

© Veronafiere, Ennevie
"We are convinced of the enormous benefits that digital can bring to our sector," said Marco Villa, Sales Director, CGT. "Thanks to telemetry, remote services, self-driving systems, sensors and cameras we can reduce consumption, emissions, work times and costs with benefits for company revenues, sustainability and efficiency. In addition to advantages as regards productivity, consideration must also be given to the greater operating safety, a far from secondary topic."

Despite these benefits, however, digitization is struggling to makes inroads into the construction sector. "The construction sector still has a very low level of digitization. Consequently, there are very large margins for manoeuvre and improvement," said Alessandro Chiodin, Technology Sales Manager Sitech Italia, quoting data from a survey by McKinsey. "Thanks to the power of data, interconnected technologies and practical applications of digital tools, we help our customers avoid making mistakes, reach quick decisions and identify problems promptly."

The speakers pointed out that, for the sector to experience a genuine digital transition, important training and information action is needed, since awareness of the tools is still poor. And, among other things, these tools are increasingly user friendly compared to just a few years ago. "Like it or not, digitization will be an everyday thing in the near future," said Cristiano Volz, Construction Sales Manager Topcon Positioning Italy. "We must overcome reluctance to change and learn to understand the advantages of operating repeatability, precision work and higher productivity. Occasions for meetings for hands-on experience with technology and live demos are most welcome."

The advantages of applied digitization in companies were discussed by Luca Bongiovanni, Administrative Director Perino Piero, who – based on his own experience – concluded: “Companies grow not only as a function of investments in technology, capital goods and materials but also in personnel training. Digitization has changed our approach to work for good. Man-machine interaction has brought about greater efficiency and optimized the resources used. Support for decision-making processes has helped generate better economic and financial planning. We have also understood just how much innovation is a fundamental tool for responding to the challenges of the future."


Upcoming webinars:

The third appointment with webinars during the run-up to SaMoTer is scheduled on 14 March, dealing with the topic of safety. It will be followed by the webinar focusing on the role of modern rental in the construction supply chain. The series of meetings will conclude with the webinar analysing photovoltaics in quarries.