Symposium in Aachen/Germany, 09.–11.03.2010
From 9th to 11th March 2010 the fourth symposium “Sensorgestützte Sortierung” (Sensor-Based Sorting) will take place in the Eurogress Aachen. The...
As in previous years, SBSC 2024 will be addressing new developments and applications in the field of automated separation and sensor-based control for primary and secondary raw materials. The...
The deadline for submission of abstracts is extended to October 15th, 2023. As in previous years, SBSC 2024 will be addressing new developments and applications in the field of automated separation...
The Companhia de Ferro Ligas da Bahia (Ferbasa) is located in Ipueira, a municipality in the state of Bahia in the northeast of Brazil. Ferbasa operates one of the largest chromite mines in Brazil and...
Scarce natural resources are moving the transformation of construction and demolition waste into secondary raw materials and new products into the focus of the industry. Sensor-based sorting...
The increase in global demand for copper, zinc and lead poses a challenge for mining operations: increasing their efficiency and productivity to meet the demand while ensuring their profitability and...
Andrada Mining has purchased TOMRA XRT sorters as part of its expansion plans at the flagship Uis Mine in Namibia. The sorters feature TOMRA’s latest innovation launched earlier this year at the...
Mineral processing machines are subjected to great strains and high levels of wear. Sections of machinery where abrasive materials come into contact with the machine are always particularly...
Döring, one of the biggest companies in demolition and the processing of construction rubble in the German state of Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania, relies on Powerscreen technology. In total, five...
Based in Upper Austria, the Feichtinger KG has been extracting quartz since 1972. With currently 18 employees, the company supplies around 30 000 t quartz per year to RW silicium GmbH.
To meet...