7th ForumMIRO

The Federal Association of Mineral Raw Materials invites companies from the gravel, sand, quartz and natural stone industries as well as equipment manufacturers and service providers to participate in the 7th ForumMIRO taking place in Berlin from 16th to 18th November 2015. In eight workshops the organizers will again present many interesting aspects reflecting the current state of knowledge relating to burning issues of the rock industry. All topics offered in the program deliberately deal with the matters and problems that the industry ias currently facing. Renowned experts will be presenting their viewpoints and answering questions.

This time the protagonists from the industry will not only be meeting with their peers, equipment manufacturers and service providers, but also with decision-makers from ministries and authorities. As always, the event will be accompanied by a high-calibre exhibition of leading equipment manufacturers and service providers to the industry.

More information on the event as well as conference and registration documents are available frtom the websites of the organizers (bv-miro.org) and (geoplanGmbH.de).

//www.bv-miro.org" target="_blank" >www.bv-miro.org:www.bv-miro.org

//www.geoplangmbh.de" target="_blank" >www.geoplangmbh.de:www.geoplangmbh.de


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