Relocation to Dresden

Forum MIRO, Dresden/
Germany, (27–29.10.2010)

After the overwhelming success of the forum last year, the Colognebased Federal German Association of Mineral Raw Materials (Bundes­verband Mineralische Rohstoffe e.V. – MIRO) decided to organize the ForumMIRO 2010 (mineral raw materials, gravel/sand/natural stone) at the new Inter­national Congress Centre in Dresden.


As the most important congress and exhibition event of the entire rock industry, ForumMIRO is the communication platform of the year in step with actual practice (Fig.). Also this time the event has as its motto: “Rock industry with a future”. This year’s general meeting of MIRO will be integrated. ForumMIRO 2010, which will be organized in tried and tested cooperation with the Iffezheim-based Geoplan GmbH, will again focus on information transfer and exchange of views in parallel workshop groups. The supply industry and service companies will have the opportunity to present their products and competences at the accompanying trade exhibition. Last year 50 companies were represented. Both the congress and the accompanying trade ­exhibition will be limited to 1.5 event days.


For more information please refer to:

Bundesverband Mineralische Rohstoffe e.V. (MIRO), Tel.: +49 221 934674-60, E-Mail:


Questions as regards the organization and the trade exhibition:

Geoplan GmbH,

Tel.: +49 7229 606-30, E-Mail:


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