Successful start of the GEOPLAN AKADEMIE
With the motto “Practicians meet practicians” the GEOPLAN AKADEMIE, which was established at the beginning of 2012, started very successfully. Thus, the first series of events with compact 1-day-seminars in step with actual practice has just finished, covering the topics - crushing technology (Fig.), wear and approval procedures. About 100 works managers, mechanics, electricians etc., i.e. people working at companies in the rock and associated products industry, seized the opportunity for further specific vocational training. “For the first time the seminars of the GEOPLAN AKADEMIE were tailored particularly to the practicians working on site”, said a satisfied participant. Since the groups of participants are small, there are enough opportunities for individual, critical questions and an instructive exchange of ideas and experience. The GOEPLAN ADADEMIE is supported by the Federal Association of Mineral Raw Materials (MIRO). The program for the second semester of 2012 will soon be distributed. It can also be downloaded from the Internet.