Forum MIRO 2019

... because substance always tips
the scales!

The ForumMIRO will take place at the Mercure Hotel MOA in Berlin from 27 to 29 November 2019. The leading event of the German gravel, sand, quartz sand and natural stone industry, supported by the Federal Association of Mineral Resources, MIRO, is the most important meeting place for actors and partners of the domestic producers of these basic materials, which are particularly important for the construction industry. Numerous guests from politics, authorities, institutes and research facilities regularly enrich the professional exchange within the framework of this event.

Following the 2018 success, a political evening kick-off in the form of a professionally moderated podium discussion is planned as a prelude to the ­information-packed days. Under the headline: “Domestic mineral raw materials – indispensable as a basis for housing, mobility and ­industrial production”, resource experts, business representatives and parliamentarians of various factions in the German Bundestag will present and discuss their po­sitions and goals ­regarding the status of domestic mineral raw materials in the Federal Government’s raw materials policy.

Along with the address of welcome by MIRO President Dr. Ing. Gerd Hagenguth and a political greeting from the Federal Ministry of the Interior, Building and Community, the opening part will be characterized by an exciting lecture held by Leon Klein, which will offer a look at the topics of IT security and cybercrime with particular relevance in the ex­tractive industry and recommend effective protection ­mechanisms.

The subsequent two parallel sessions in workshop format will tackle important issues of the industry concerning the securing of raw materials, alternative building materials, approval procedures and raw material extraction in the context of fiscal charges. In addition, the use of alternative energies and innovative technical solutions will play a special role this year. Specifically the latter are gaining in importance for the processing of raw material fractions that are of little value because they are technically not usable. Tips on the topic of corporate management and personnel management as well as a comprehensive trade exhibition complement the diverse offer.


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