Highlights at SOLIDS 2024

Issue 05/2015

Improved efficiency and enhanced uptime

Lower repair and maintenance cost and increased machine uptime are only a few of the customer benefits that drive the growing popularity of automatic greasing systems worldwide. Groeneveld Group...

Issue 05/2015

Concentrated knowledge

Dear Readers, In the May issue we again addressed a bit more the fundamentals of mineral processing. Ore flotation is a very captivating topic. In the special article “Selective Separation, Part...

Issue 05/2015

Major contract for Ma’aden’s phosphate project

TOMRA Sorting Mining has secured a contract to supply a sensor-based sorting system consisting of nine sorters for the greenfield plant at Umm Wu’al, Saudia Arabia. The plant is part of the Waad Al...

Issue 05/2015

New bucket wheel excavators for NLC in Neyveli/India

Neyveli Lignite Corporation Ltd (NLC) commissioned two ultramodern bucket wheel excavators with a conveying capacity of up to 6800 m³/h for their Mine II in South India. The excavators 1400 L were...

Issue 05/2015

Joint sales and service activities restructured

The Endress+Hauser Group and Metso Automation Inc. are to restructure their sales and service activities in Switzerland and Finland with effect from 1 July 2015. Both groups of companies will demerge...

Issue 05/2015

CDE announce strengthening of Middle East & Africa teams

CDE Global has announced the addition of some very experienced personnel to the team responsible for the Middle East & Africa (MEA). The company has recently established a number of new partnerships...

Issue 05/2015

New Managing Director at SCHADE Lagertechnik GmbH

Since 1st of February, 2015, SCHADE Lagertechnik GmbH in Gelsenkirchen has a new Technical Managing Director: Dr. Christoph Seifert (Fig.) is responsible for Engineering, Project Management and...

Issue 05/2015 Flotation of Metallic Ores – an Overview, Part 1

Selective Separation

Flotation of Metallic Ores – an Overview, Part 1

Global supplies of mineral resources, even the industrial development extending throughout the 20th century up into our own time, would scarcely have been possible without flotation, which remains even now the most important separation process for the fine-particle range. ...

Issue 05/2015

The decanter centrifuge for soft sediment

At the Achema from 15.-19.06.2015 in Frankfurt/Main, Flottweg will present a special decanter centrifuge for soft sediment (Fig.). The Flottweg Sedicanter® separates solids from liquids. The special...

Issue 05/2015

New mixing plant in Malaysia

Today, MAPEI is one of the global leaders in the manufacture of adhesives, seals and chemical products for the building industry. In November 2013, the company awarded the contract for the...
