Highlights at HILLHEAD 2024

Configuration tool for quick, optimal machine settings

Different machines, different settings – so that users can find solutions quickly and easily, Kleemann now offers the Smart Job Configurator in the SPECTIVE operating concept. The configurator enables...

Issue 04/2016

Conflict-free Minerals

A look behind the scenes

Nobody wants conflict minerals in his/her mobile phone or in other high-tech devices. But the reality is different. In particular, large quantities of the tantalum used in such devices, as well as the mineral coltan, come from the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and help to finance armed rebels and militias there. The following article ...

Issue 03/2012

Congress for filtration and separation community – WFC11

The 11th World Filtration Congress (WFC11) in Graz/Austria will embrace the international F&S community for five days from 16.-20.04.2012. The first day is foreseen for four technical courses on the...


Conn-Weld Industries LLC

No stranger to the global market, Conn-Weld will be exhibiting for the first time at Hillhead! Conn-Weld’s experienced team is excited to connect with attendees highlighting the full line of custom...

Issue 12/2009

Conquering the market with heavy-duty brand machinery

AWR Abbruch GmbH is one of the leading service providers for the demolition sector. A company fleet of machines with over 10 mini-excavators, 40 full-size excavators, crushers and screens, crawlers,...


Conservative design central to meeting tailings standards

The pressure on International Council on Mining and Metals (ICMM) member mining companies to comply with the Global Industry Standard on Tailings Management (GISTM) is growing, with the first deadline...

Issue 05/2015 Flow property evaluation of bulk materials

Consider the Density

Flow property evaluation of bulk materials

In the past, flowability evaluation occurred according to easily determinable bulk material parameters, e.g. acc. to the slope angle. Further progress was made by experimental studies using silo models on the basis ...

Issue 03/2022 High level of participation

Construction and mining machinery industry getting ready for bauma 2022

More than 8 months before bauma opens its doors in Munich from October 24 to 30, 2022, the world’s leading trade fair for construction machinery, building material machines, mining machines,...


Construction equipment industry expects slow recovery

After a record year in 2023, sales of construction equipment produced in Germany fell in 2024 by 21 % in real terms and 20 % in nominal terms. The biggest decline was in construction equipment, down...


Construction equipment industry stands on solid ground

The order intake in the construction equipment industry allows manufacturers with production sites in Germany to look forward to 2022 with peace of mind. When companies will be able to achieve...
