Highlights at HILLHEAD 2024

Construction equipment sector secures jobs in a difficult environment

The general meeting of the VDMA Construction – Equipment and Plant Engineering on 3 March 2021 drew a positive conclusion for the past and current year. Central topics were the economic situation, the...


Construction equipment sector starts the new year with momentum

The manufacturers of construction equipment with production in Germany are showing themselves to be virtually unimpressed by the current crises. A strong year-end spurt enabled them to increase...

Issue 01-02/2017

Construction machine shower from Switzerland

With the commissioning of the world’s first demucking system, MobyDick HD-1, around ten years ago, FRUTIGER laid the foundation for a new line of business – the automatic cleaning of heavily...

Issue 07-08/2017

Construction Machine Training in the 21st century with Komatsu

Komatsu sets new standards in driver training. With a simulator equipped with state-of-the-art technology – here for a hydraulic excavator of the 30 t class – it is now possible to go through a...


Construction machinery and building materials plant sectors ride roller coaster

It could be even better. The order intake is booming. But delays in the supply chain as well as a lack of raw materials and rising material prices are leading to delivery problems and uncertainties in...


Construction machinery industry striving for climate neutrality

How can construction processes be as climate-neutral as possible in the future? bauma 2025 provides answers to this question in one of its key topics. The world’s leading trade fair for construction...

Issue 06/2023 Millings recycling

Construction material recycling screen SBR4 in operation in Iceland

In the Icelandic town of Hafnarfjördur, south of the capital Reykjavik, an SBR4 construction material recycling screen has been in operation since March 2023 to process milled asphalt material. The...

Issue 07-08/2024 Climate-friendly recycling management

Construction material recycling with a MOBIREX MR 130i PRO impact crusher

At its headquarters site in Kirchheim/Teck, the family concern Feess makes a strong case for a change in awareness in the construction sector and promotes the establishment of rigorously implemented...

Issue 11/2017

Construction materials recycling

Market trends in Europe

Summary: Europe has set itself an ambitious goal for recycling construction and demolition waste, aiming at 70 % by the year 2020. At present, only a level of 50 % has been managed, and no great...

Issue 11/2016

Construction Materials Recycling in Europe

On September 23, 2016 the European Quality Association for Recycling e.V. (EQAR) held the EQAR Congress on the subject “Construction Materials Recycling in Europe” in Bratislava/Slovakia on the...
