Highlights at HILLHEAD 2024

Issue 04/2014


Thanks to the Public-Private Partnership, the ecological construction industry in Italy is reporting good results. Unioncamere (Union of the Italian Chambers of Commerce, Industry, Crafts and...


SaMoTer webinar – The zero-emissions goal

The energy transition will be achieved together by working on the energy mix. This is what emerged on 26 January 2023 from the first of five webinars during the run-up to Samoter organized in...

Issue 03/2011

Samoter – Innovation award announced

The Samoter Innovation Competition has been hosted by Samoter since its debut in 1964 and rewards companies exhibiting their previews at Samoter of constructional and functional innovations introduced...

Issue 03/2012

Samoter – New date for the next edition

The 29th edition of the Samoter is scheduled ­27.02.–02.03.2014 with a new four-day formula instead of the previous five days. This decision was taken by VeronaFiere management in response to...


SaMoTer – The benefits of innovation tools

Digitization is a fundamental tool for tackling the future, because it means decisions can be based on facts. However, meetings and training opportunities are essential for it to spread in the...


SaMoTer: 31st edition postponed to 2023 and 2021 will welcome a new in-quarry demo event

SaMoTer, Veronafiere's triennial international construction machinery exhibition, will welcome companies and sector operators once again in March 2023. This is a further and definitive change of date...


SaMoTer: Solutions for making the sector more efficient and safer

Digitization also affects occupational safety in its broadest sense because it helps reduce accidents, thefts and damage caused by cyber attacks. This emerged on 14 March 2023 during the third of the...


Sample division – the key requirement for first-rate analysis

A perfect sample preparation is the indispensable foundation for every analysis – because any errors will be reflected in the results later on. Therefore, the reliable creation of guaranteed...

Issue 01-02/2015 Haver & Boecker

Sample splitter as the basis for good analysis

Over the past years the technology in the field of analytics has developed further and become more refined. The improved analysis process quickly reached its limits when it came to evaluating larger materials quantities through small test samples. Faulty sample taking can lead to serious deviations. ...

Issue 06/2016

SAMSON Materials Handling Ltd. at Hillhead 2016

SAMSON Materials Handling design and manufacture a range of mobile equipment for effective conveying of materials for various mining and quarrying operations. From pit face to onward processing and...
