Quantitative characterization of rocks to predict the influence of the rock on relevant product properties and system parameters | Part 1: Application of quantitative microstructural analysis

Properties and system parameters

Quantitative characterization of rocks to predict the influence of the rock on relevant product properties and system parameters Part 1: Application of quantitative microstructural analysis

Summary: In many technical applications, especially in mining and mineral processing, the properties of the rocks play a big role. In many cases, the current mineralogical-petrographic rock characterization permits only a verbal description of the microstructure. In mineral processing, however, this method is not sufficient for certain applications. Here a quantitative characterization of the rocks is necessary. Quantitative rock characteristics allow assessment of the rock in terms of crushability and product particle shape on the one hand as well as wear and necessary energy consumption on the other hand. They provide an important basis for the selection and operation of machines and equipment in the natural rock industry and processing of raw materials.

1 Introduction

By means of extensive empirical comminution tests with around 20 different types of rocks in different comminution machines, the importance of different factors influencing the product properties was analysed. It could be established that the rock properties have a paramount influence on product properties like, for example, the particle shape. Fig. 1 shows for the example of a tested rotor centrifugal crusher that the influence of the petrographic rock properties on the product particle shape amounts to around 65 %. The possibilities for influencing the particle shape with...

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