Less vibration and new data
Dear reader,
Sustainability refers to all kinds of emissions. In the field of crushing technology, thyssenkrupp developed a low-vibration crusher which reduces vibrations emitted to the environment to 50%. This technology can be used for both mobile and stationary plants. The advantages are the low stress imposed on the surrounding structure, less maintenance effort and costs as well as higher operational safety – please read the article “New low-vibration jaw crusher increases crusher performance”.
ROHSA 3 is the name of a very interesting project. With resources of the Free State of Saxony, in a cross-agency project group comprising employees of Saxony’s State Agency for the Environment, Agriculture and Geology and Saxony’s Chief Mining Office, raw materials data in an area of about 740 km² in the Ore Mountains were indexed by the end of 2016.
As a result of ROHSA_3.1, about 7 000 library reference data on documents, reports and qualification work were re-indexed and made accessible in an online library catalogue. Read the the article “Saxony mines valuable data” with many further details.
Enjoy reading our first issue in 2018!
Dr. Petra Strunk
Editor-in-chief of AT MINERAL PROCESSING