Highlights at SOLIDS 2024

Issue 11/2015

10 years with input, engagement and continuity

The Austrian manufacturer of mobile crushing- and screening machines celebrates the 10th anniversary of the company. dsb innocrush was established in 2005 and got his place as one of the leading...

Issue 11/2015

The world’s oldest mining and mineral resources academy

The TU Bergakademie Freiberg – The Resources University - celebrates its 250th anniversary in 2015. The academy has at all times played an important role in the mining and geoengineering science...

Issue 11/2015

Event to celebrate the opening of the Freiberg Research Forum 2015

On the occasion of the 250th anniversary of the Freiberg Mining Academy Technical University, His Magnificence Prof. Dr.-Ing. Bernd Meyer welcomed many participants in the old refectory to open the...

Issue 11/2015

Current state of knowledge in workshop format

ForumMiro, the leading event of the German rock industry, takes place every three years at changing venues. This time the Federal Association of Mineral Raw Materials (MIRO) as organizer and body...

Issue 11/2015

Beltcon 18 Conference – Where theory and practice meet

The International Materials Handling Conference (IMHC) – Beltcon 18, took place in Johannesburg/South Africa on August 5 and 6, 2015 (Fig. 1). Held once every two years, this marked the 38th year...

Issue 11/2015

Advantages of the massive 660 m³ flotation cell

With the need to address declining grades and the pressure to reduce capital costs as well as operational costs, original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) must continue to leverage technology to provide...

Issue 11/2015

Productivity increase with high-tech screening technology

Bogaevsky Karyer is a relatively new aggregates production and quarrying company with operations located not far from Oreshki village in the Ruzsky District of Moscow Province. Centered on the...

Issue 11/2015

Conventional technologies in the processing of metal ores have advantages on the market

Current trends in the processing of metal ores

Flotation systems for metal ore processing are a good example for the fact that conventional technologies have advantages on the market. With respect to efficiency, they have not only drawn level with advanced processes, but have also improved the “economies of scale”. This report provides background information and market data.

Issue 11/2015

The world’s biggest gearless conveyor drive system

Siemens supplies the world’s biggest gearless conveyor drive system to the Cuajone Mine in Peru which is operated by the Mexican mining company Southern Copper Corporation (SCC). The modernization...

Issue 11/2015

CHIEFTAIN 2200: Mobile screening factory with two screen trays

Patented double screening machine DUO can be used as force screen and/or flexible-drive screen. Screen trays manufactured according to the Huckbolt system are convincing due to their absorption of...
