Highlights at HILLHEAD 2024

Issue 11/2012

Inside K+S KALI GmbH

AT Special Excursion 2012 to K+S KALI GmbH - Werra site, 26./27.06.2012

Students from the universities RWTH Aachen, TFH ­Bochum, TU Clausthal and TU Bergakademie Freiberg were right in the middle, i.e. right in the middle of the preparation of crude salts at the...

Issue 03/2015


Dear Readers Before the “season” of conferences, fairs and congresses starts again, the editorial board of AT MINERAL PROCESSING used the time to report on interesting company projects. Last year...


Insights into the circular economy

Are we already close to achieving a circular economy or are we still far from it? This question is not easy to answer. On a global scale, we may be more distant than ever, but major progress has...

Issue 10/2012

Installation-friendly mounted bearings for demanding applications

With its SNN series, NSK is presenting a new series of plummer blocks that have been developed for use in unfavourable application conditions. ­Various types of roller bearings and sealing materials...

Issue 09/2017

Integral solutions for conveyor belts

With the introduction of an in-house developed transfer point seal for belt conveyors, the German manufacturer Schulte Strathaus can now offer integral solutions for conveying systems. André Hanke,...

Issue 07-08/2014

Integrated drive technology from Siemens enhances productivity

The Siemens Drive Technologies Division is delivering an Integrated Drive System for two new mills for the Toromocho mine in the Peruvian province of Yauli. The order comes from Minera Chinalco Perú...

Issue 11/2014 CDE

Integrated environmental protection

CDE Global and Josef Bohnen GmbH hosted an open day event on 23rd August at a new sand and gravel washing plant at Josef Bohnen’s main quarry in Swisttal, near Cologne. The turnkey plant was purchased with funding from ...

Issue 09/2021 Optimised processing

Integrated in-pit crush and convey solutions

M‌ining operations are impacted by declining head grades. More material needs to be moved from greater depths to maintain concentrate production levels. This affects productivity and energy...


Intelligent agglomeration technology for recycling steel mill residues

M‌ost metallurgical processes are characterized by a gas flow through the material bed. Thus fine particles are carried away and have to be filtered after the metallurgical device. Every modern...

Issue 07-08/2010

Intelligent all-metal sorter

The latest model EX900-AM is a fully automatically, sensorbased all-metal sorter especially for sorting metals out of slag (incineration) and shredder light fraction (ELV, WEEE etc.). The...
