Highlights at HILLHEAD 2024

Issue 06/2013

Flotation 2013

The 6th International Flotation Symposium (­Flotation ’13), organised by MEI in consultation with Prof. Dee ­Bradshaw and Prof. Jean-Paul (J-P) Franzidis, is on track to be the biggest event in...

Issue 09/2018 A fine future

Flotation in times of circular economy and energy transition

Summary: The invention of flotation about 140 years ago was one of the great achievements of modern processing technology. For many metallic/mineral raw materials, processing without a flotation stage...


Flotation ‘09 – Programme now available

It is 103 years since froth flotation was patented, and it is often said to be the 20th century’s most important technological development. It is still the most intensively researched area of...

Issue 07-08/2016

Flotation ’15 in Cape Town/South Africa

Despite a depressed state of the minerals industry more than 240 delegates from 27 countries and all continents participated at the Flotation 15, 16th–20th November 2015, in Cape Town/South Africa....


Flottweg Invests in US $ 1.75 Million expansion, creating high-wage jobs in Boone County, KY

Another huge step within Kentucky’s thriving manufacturing sector, Flottweg Separation Technology Inc., a producer of centrifuges and other liquid-solid separation equipment, celebrated the grand...


Flottweg invests in US $ 1.75 Million expansion, creating high-wage jobs in Boone County, KY

Another huge step within Kentucky’s thriving manufacturing sector, Flottweg Separation Technology Inc., a producer of centrifuges and other liquid-solid separation equipment, celebrated the grand...


Flottweg receives the silver seal from EcoVadis

Flottweg SE, one of the leading suppliers of separation technology, has been awarded the prestigious Silver Seal by EcoVadis. This recognition acknowledges the company's comprehensive efforts to make...

Issue 10/2022 SPECIAL bauma 2022

Flottweg SE

Flottweg will be presenting separation solutions for the sand & gravel sector for the first time at bauma. In keeping with this year’s motto, Flottweg will demonstrate how high-performance centrifuges...

Issue 04/2024

Flottweg SE

With a focus on efficiency and innovation, Flottweg will be presenting its solutions for sludge dewatering and thickening as well as processing industrial wastewater and oil sludge recycling at IFAT....

Issue 11/2021 Consistent and controlled

Flow aids resolve bulk material handling issues

I‌n order to achieve controlled and consistent flow on conveyors handling large volumes of bulk material, transfer chutes and vessels must be designed not just to accommodate – but to actually...
