bauma 2022

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Issue 07-08/2015

International interest in IFAT stronger than ever

An impressive number of repeat bookings, lots of new exhibitors and a high level of international participation: The signs are looking good for IFAT, which takes place from May 30 to June 3,...

Issue 07-08/2015

Extension to the Infinity screening range

CDE announced the launch of the new Infinity screening range to the global market earlier this year after securing a global patent for the new construction of the screen side walls. Lead designer on...

Issue 07-08/2015

DSIV General Meeting in Basel

A German Association holding its general meeting in Switzer- land is certainly not the norm. This however is exactly what the Deutsche Schüttgut-Industrie Verband (DSIV) did on May 6th when they...

Issue 07-08/2015

Replacing a six-tonne slewing ring bearing for iron ore loading

In the Norwegian port of Narvik, Swedish mining company LKAB employs a huge loading station to load bulk carriers with iron ore. Any shutdown of the station is enormously costly. Because, in this instance, time really is money, experts from the SKF Soluti

W   eighing a total of 2500 tonnes, the gigantic loader in the port of Narvik ensures that iron ore from the LKAB mines in Kiruna, Svappavaara and Malmberget finds its way into the entrails of the...

Issue 07-08/2015

Enduring Technology

Flotation of Metallic Ores – an Overview, Part 2

5 Flotation of metal ores Metal-bearing ores can be classified as follows for the purposes of flotation [29]: “Class b” metal sulphides and “borderline” metals, in particular lead, zinc,...

Issue 07-08/2015

Safe and sustainable mining with ISO standards

Mining is a temporary activity, with mines operating from anywhere between a few years and a few decades. Increasingly, however, what happens after a mine is closed, and the impact this has on the...

Issue 06/2015


Dear Readers   Dependences exist in the most different fields - both in the professional and private everyday life, in research as well as in industry. For example, the pricing of products or the...

Issue 06/2015

New Global Business Development and Sales Director

Terex|Finlay announced the appointment of Global Business Development and Sales Director, Rik Kiddle (Fig.). In his new role, Rik will be responsible for strategically driving business growth,...

Issue 06/2015

Retsch celebrates 100th anniversary

One of the most successful companies in the laboratory market celebrates its 100th anniversary this year. In 1915 Friedrich Kurt Retsch founded the F. Kurt Retsch GmbH & Co. KG whole sale company for...

Issue 06/2015

CMS Cepcor completes the latest part of the jigsaw

Having commissioned their new Technical Centre in 2013 the latest part of their expansion plans at their global headquarters in Coalville is nearing completion with the opening of their new...
