Developments in the mining industry

Trends in mechanical dewatering

Summary: In the mining industry, filtration devices and centrifuges are used for dewatering the products and tailings. The need for higher product finenesses is generating numerous new developments and trends in the market. This report presents the latest trends in the iron ore, coal, potash and valuable metal industries.

1 Introduction

In the non-ferrous metals sector, mining companies’ worldwide exploration expenditure fell in 2015 by 19 % to 9.2 bn US$. Relative to the peak year of 2012, expenditure has thus ­decreased by 57 %. These are the results of the “World Exploration Trends 2016” published by the highly reputed SNL Metals & Mining Group (SNL) [1]. Up to 2017, it is expected that further cuts amounting to 12 % will be made. However, a silver lining can already be seen on the horizon. The analysis by SNL of CapEx announcements made by mining companies for the next few years shows an increase from 60 bn 

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