Gravel & sand and the rock of the year

Dear Readers

I am a great fan of flowers, trees, birds and also of the rocks of the year. Thus, the attention is frequently focussed on forgotten species or lets us discover rocks completely anew. Diabase - selected as the rock of the year 2017 by the Federal Association of Mineral Raw Materials (MIRO) (see p. 30) - is very weather-resistant and is distinguished by a very high density, i.e. 2.95 up to 2.95 g/cm³. Already in the Stone Age, tools and weapons were made out of diabase. Still today, it is widely used - from the production of ashlar up to the manufacture of exacting chipping and crushed stones. The official ceremony regarding the selection of the rock of the year will take place in Bad Berneck on 28 April 2017. On this occasion the Federal Association will publish an accompanying pamphlet (//" target="_blank" >

The main topic of this issue is gravel & sand. On page 38, RTH J. Koops GmbH & Co. KG describe their experience gained with a new vibrating screen system at their extraction facility in Zarrentin. Separation is also described on page 40 - the new screening machine SM 720 SA Plus can be used in gravel and sand pits, but also in recycling companies, composting and earth plants or in civil engineering contracting firms. To be able to handle the sand and gravel produced, the new transhipment excavator 850 E loads the raw materials onto vessels, trucks or railway containers - in the port of Ijmuiden it handles up to 900 t/h.

Many other articles report on new projects, products and ­measurement techniques regarding mineral processing.

Wishing you enjoyable reading


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