Martin Engineering GmbH

AT MINERAL PROCESSING: What kind of plants or machinery does your company produce; which are the most important business segments?


Martin Engineering: Martin Engineering is one of the leading companies that provides problem solutions for the handling of bulk solids and the optimization of conveyor belt systems in many industrial sectors.


Besides manufacturing and sale of numerous products, Martin Engineering is a specialist in the field of conveyor belt inspection. Under the name of “Walk the Belt” (WTB), highly qualified technicians inspect all components of a conveyor belt line and make customers, in written final reports, aware of all vulnerabilities and the respective optimization approaches that Martin Engineering can realize according to the customers’ wishes. The product portfolio of Martin Engineering comprises: primary and secondary conveyor belt scraper, transfer point solutions, belt centering systems, vibration solutions, dust suppression systems, silo cleaning systems, safety products as well as air cannons for material flow optimization.


AT MINERAL PROCESSING: Which highlight will you present at the Solids trade show?

Martin Engineering: Martin Engineering will present their entire product portfolio.

AT MINERAL PROCESSING: In your opinion, what is so special about this trade show, and what do you, as an exhibitor, expect of it?

Martin Engineering: Concerning the German-speaking clientele, the Solids in Dortmund is by far the most important trade show for Martin. Here, not only do we meet a large number of regular customers to exchange experiences and plan new projects, but we also generate a large number of potentially interested customers. 

Stand: C 17 – 4


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