New edition
The Federal German Association of the Gravel and Sand Industry (Bundesverband der Deutschen Kies- und Sandindustrie BKS) revised the information brochure ”Kies- und Sand-Kompass” (Gravel and Sand Compass) and republished it. On a few pages the compact pocket brochure gives a survey of the German gravel and sand industry, i.e. production data and technology, raw material requirement and the variety of applications, nature conservation and environmental protection, dependence on locations and actual land utilization by extraction companies, regional economic importance taking into account training, jobs and sustainability. The Gravel and Sand Compass addresses all those interested as well as gravel and sand companies who wish to have a condensed documentation of facts for their own public relations work.
Bundesverband der Deutschen Kies- und Sandindustrie (BKS) e.V.,
Tel.: +49 203-99239-0,