"Tech Talk with Besi"

Stefan "Besi" Becker-Sippel, certified Caterpillar Instructor from Zeppelin Project and Operations Engineering explains modern construction machinery technology for the practitioner
© Caterpillar/Zeppelin

Stefan "Besi" Becker-Sippel, certified Caterpillar Instructor from Zeppelin Project and Operations Engineering explains modern construction machinery technology for the practitioner
© Caterpillar/Zeppelin
Scientists agree that the brain stores information more easily when theory and practice are combined. Clear examples make it easier to remember facts. Experts call the method "learning by imitation". This explains the great success of explanatory videos on You-Tube, because more and more students are learning with the help of short films on the video platform in order to prepare for class.

Zeppelin also uses videos to use images and sound to introduce users to the new assistance systems such as the E-Fence lift/pivot limiter, the integrated scales or 2D controls and to deepen their understanding of the use of the technologies. Ten videos were shot with four different construction machines such as the new Cat 320 crawler excavator, the Cat 972M XE wheel loader, the Cat 730 dumper or the Cat M323F two-way excavator.

All clips on youtube
© Caterpillar/Zeppelin

All clips on youtube
© Caterpillar/Zeppelin
In the leading role: Stefan "Besi" Becker-Sippel, certified Caterpillar Instructor from Zeppelin Projekt- und Einsatztechnik, who sat behind the wheel of the machines and showed what is important. The series was initiated as "Tech Talk with Besi". With the help of videos, the new technologies and their efficient application are visualized. The clips can be called up at any time, can be paused if necessary and can be viewed again if required. Just have a look on the YouTube channel, the Facebook pages or the Instagram account of Zeppelin. 


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