Screening machines for ultrapure polycrystalline silica
The centrotherm photovoltaics AG planned a new polysilica plant in Taiwan. In the beginning the production capacity of the plant will be 5000 tpy. The delivery of the RHEWUM screening machines was in June 2009, the commissioning of the whole plant is foreseen end of the year 2009. The machines are specially designed screens type RHEWUM RIUS especially developed, constructed and manufactured for this application and the high product requirements. The crushed silica are being classified from fine to coarse on a 5 m long conveying- and separating-line before they are further processed. Important for the successful handling of this order was the close collaboration between the departments of sales, R&D and design and the customer as well as with the process developing company centrotherm SiTec GmbH.
RHEWUM GmbH, Remscheid (D), Tel.: +49 2191-5767-0,