ABMEC’s Annual General Meeting proved positive and record breaking

With 49 member companies, the Trade Association for the mining industry is the largest it has been for more than 30 years. Members recognised the changing landscape of the organisation, most notably the digital format for meetings and learning places.

However, face-to-face meetings and events escalated in the last year, with ABMEC’s additional roles of organising the Cornish Mining Conference and running the CIS Networking for the Energy Industry Society. The ABMEC Conference chairman announced record results for the event, which attracted more domestic delegates than ever, heard from some excellent speakers, all contributing to helping the energy and digital transition.

Collaborations between like-minded people have resulted in establishing a Mining Education Forum to re-establish British mining engineering degree courses, plus a forum to unite the mine operators with the supply chain to find solutions and better working practice to benefit production and lower costs.

The new President, Kevin Sabin of Brownlee Cale; an experienced Executive Director, Engineer and Project Manager, responsible for multi-million pound contracts in several countries, with an interest in people said he was looking forward to strengthening the relationships and collaborations of ABMEC. He added: “I am passionate about contributing to the sustainability of climate smart mining through developing and delivering competent people solutions and value adding collaborations across the supply chain, we are stronger together right across the sector.”

The Vice President is Russell Lafford, MIQ, Projects and EPC’s UK, Ireland and Israel. Russell said he was delighted to take up the post and was looking forward to being part of the ever-developing stages of the Association.

ABMEC’s main purpose is to facilitate collaborations and forums for discussion, promote its members and the positive benefits and essential services of the mining sector.


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