IFAT 2024

Highlights at IFAT 2024

Issue 03/2011

Operation “Clean Air”

At the end of the year 2010 CFT GmbH had delivered the 2000th deduster, which is an in-house development and production, to the company Sandvik Mining and Con­struction. The anniversary plant is...

Issue 07-08/2013


Trends in Dry Processing

1 Introduction Forecasts state that 4.8 billion human beings (52 % of the world’s population) will be threatened by a shortage of water by the year 2050. The prospects are not any better for...

Issue 12/2012


Overview of the mining industry in Mexico

1 Introduction Mexico is the world leading silver producer and is among the TOP 15 countries for 20 other minerals, such as gold, copper, zinc, lead, manganese, molybdenum and iron ore. The country...

Issue 06/2020 Tailing the truth

Optimal dewatering of overburden sludge using centrifuges

F‌ine-grained residues in the form of sludges, the so-called tailings, are formed during the processing of ores and minerals in mining. Tailings are still frequently stored in large settling basins or...

Issue 10/2012

Optimal resources utilization, reduced land requirement

Germany’s Ministry of the Environment is supporting a pilot project of the company Westkalk with around € 150 000 from the Environmental Innovation Programme. With this funding, the Ministry is...

Issue 11/2020 Comminution and drying

Optimisation of design of the special hammer mill

Summary: The special hammer mill takes the form of integration of the processes of comminution and drying for moist bulk products. Quantitative examination of the two processes makes it possible to...

Issue 09/2014

Optimised filling process for building materials and minerals

Industry 4.0 is the fourth industrial revolution and is characterised by the networking of intelligent machines that exchange information on their own, activate actions, and control each other. The...

Issue 05/2023 Energy-efficient ejection module

Optimised XRT ore sorting solution for fine particles

TOMRA Mining has launched a new ejection module for its proven COM Tertiary XRT sorter specifically developed for sorting small particle sizes. The COM Tertiary XRT Fines sorter, featuring the new...

Issue 06/2022 Green strategies

Optimising life cycle and efficiency of products and manufacturing processes

Never before have the environmental issues facing the world presented a greater challenge or held such a dramatically high profile. It is widely accepted that action urgently needs to be taken by the...


Optimising wash plant performance with CDE SmartTech

Join CDE on 31st January for an in-depth look into our intelligent plant management app – CDE SmartTech. The technology suite enhances operational efficiency by providing a comprehensive tool for...
