Highlights at SOLIDS 2024

Issue 01-02/2015 Siemens

Vibration analysis of three drive trains

The new Siplus CMS2000 Condition Monitoring System is able to monitor up to three drive trains with variable motor speeds, as well as providing improved facility for the analysis of recorded ­signals...

Issue 01-02/2015 Amec Foster Wheeler

Expansion of a goldmine in Turkey

Amec Foster Wheeler today announces the award of a contract by Anagold Madencilik to provide basic design verification services for the expansion of the Çöpler Gold Mine in Turkey. The contract...

Issue 01-02/2015 Donaldson

New Distribution Center in Lima/Peru

Donaldson Company, Inc. (NYSE:DCI) announced the ­opening of the Company’s fourth distribution center in Latin America. Located in Lima/Peru, the new distribution center will support growing...

Issue 01-02/2015 VDMA

New chairman at VDMA Mining

The German manufacturers of mining equipment within the German Machinery and Plant Construction Association (VDMA) decided to have a new name. With immediate effects the name of the organization is...

Issue 01-02/2015 Endress+Hauser Group

Three companies under new management

Three managing directors of companies from the Endress+Hauser Group will be retiring at the end of 2014. At the end of the year, Managing Director Kurt Johannsen retired from Endress+Hauser Germany....

Issue 01-02/2015 Schaeffler

New oil sensor can be combined

The new FAG Wear Debris Check oil sensor allows damage to oil-lubricated machines such as industrial gearboxes and contamination in oil circuits to be detected at a very early stage. When combined...

Issue 01-02/2015

Getting things going

After the turn of the year, everybody starts work again with new vigour and immediately we are again right in the middle of ongoing projects and processes, and we always have in mind the discussion of...

Issue 01-02/2015 Terex MPS

Wider range of applications and more capacitiy

Terex® Minerals Processing Systems (Terex MPS) has expanded their CR Series portable plant line with the addition of the Terex® Cedarapids CRS620S screen plant (Fig.). The plant features the next...

Issue 01-02/2015

Recycling and Raw Material Conference in Berlin

What can recycling contribute to raw material securing against the background of the current national, European and international developments? Where are the limits and what are the general conditions...

Issue 01-02/2015

Eurasian mining and investment forecast

On 1st December 2014 in London MINEX Forum made a good attempt at glimpsing at the future prospects of Eurasia’s (Russia and Central Asia) mining in 2015 and beyond. With the economic slow-down in...
