Highlights at SOLIDS 2024

Issue 07-08/2016

Strategic cooperation agreement

International technology Group ANDRITZ and the ECOPHOS GROUP, a global player active in the phosphate industry, have signed a cooperation agreement for the supply of tailor-made filtration systems for...

Issue 07-08/2016

Endress+Hauser completes takeover of Analytik Jena

Swiss measurement and automation engineering specialist Endress+Hauser has completed the takeover of German analytical instrumentation provider Analytik Jena (Fig.). The remaining minority shares of...

Issue 07-08/2016

New CFO at Schenck Process

With effect from 01.06.2016, Eric Jaschke (Fig.) has taken over the position of Chief Financial Officer (CFO) in the Schenck Process Group. He will preside over the Schenck Process Group’s global...

Issue 07-08/2016

REMA TIP TOP AG expands Board of Management

The REMA TIP TOP AG Supervisory Board has, effective March 2016, expanded its Board of Directors from two to four reporting lines and has appointed Thorsten Wach (Fig. 1) and Udo Zimmer (Fig. 2) to...

Issue 07-08/2016

Flotation ’15 in Cape Town/South Africa

Despite a depressed state of the minerals industry more than 240 delegates from 27 countries and all continents participated at the Flotation 15, 16th–20th November 2015, in Cape Town/South Africa....

Issue 07-08/2016

Technical conference Recycling R’16 in Weimar

Technical specialists, members of the society “Aufbereitung von Baustoffen und Wiederverwertung e.V.” (Processing of Building Materials and Recovery) as well as representatives of associations and companies will meet in Weimar from 19 to 20 September 2016 on the occasion of the specialist conference Recycling R’16. During the two-day event lectures will be given covering the topics ofrecycling of building rubble, urban mining, sustainable concretes, recycling of ashes as well as processing of gypsum boards and gypsum recycling. The venue will be the Weimar Bauhaus University, lecture hall 6 in Coudraystraße 9a.

Issue 07-08/2016

Quality requirements for fertilizer are ever more demanding

Harvest yields need to be optimized, and this is mostly driven by three areas: Sometimes new grain types are cultivated in order to increase ...

Issue 07-08/2016

Reorientation of the mining industry

China’s surplus capacities

Due to its gigantic appetite for commodities, China has been a source of big profits for the global mining industry. But now the growth has apparently come to an abrupt end, resulting in overcapacities not only in China but also in the countries that supply ...

Issue 07-08/2016

Granulation of powdered coal

Environmental protection with profit

Coal dust is often captured in dedusting systems to avoid emissions with the associated impairment and hazards. Studies at ...

Issue 07-08/2016

Mining versus recycling or useful complement?

Around 100 experts from business, research and politics met for the 10th Saxon Raw Material Day in Dresden on May 25, 2016 in a conference ...
