The conference, attended by around 120 industry professionals, was held in the auditorium of the former Mineral Processing Research Institute at the current site of the Helmholtz Institute Freiberg...
Machines, equipment and sensorsFor the preparation of representative samples, the paper presented by Dr Tanja Butt, Thomas Schmatz and Holger Neumann (Retsch GmbH) on “Processing slags/waste-derived...
The reason to compile and edit this commemorative volume (ISBN 978-3-200-02207-2, Eigenverlag, was the 80th anniversary of the Chair of Mineral Processing and Refining at the...
Festschrift on the occasion of 75th birthday of the retired full university professor, Dipl.-Ing. Dr. mont. Hans Jörg Steiner
The history of science and technology has always also been a history of personalities. Helmut Flachberger and other editors made it their business to pay tribute to such a personality with the...
The committee of mineral processing experts from the Austrian Mining Association (BVÖ) will organize the annual, two-day specialist seminar in Leoben from 26 to 27 January 2012. This time the general...
The Austrian Mining Association (BVÖ) together with the committee of experts of mineral processing at the Leoben Mining University and the working group “Mineral Raw Materials Forum” of the...
The committee of experts for mineral processing within the Mining Association of Austria will organize a two-day seminar with the topic “Progress in the processing of primary and secondary raw...
The technical committee for mineral processing of the Mining Association of Austria will organize a two-day seminar dealing with the topic “Progress in the mineral processing of primary and...
The Technical Committee for Mineral Processing of the Mining Association of Austria will hold its annual and very successful two-day Mineral Processing Seminar on the topic of "Advances in the...
In early March 2017, more than 150 participants took up the invitation issued by the Institute of Mineral Processing Machines (IAM) at TU Bergakademie Freiberg. They took the opportunity to find out...