Highlights at HILLHEAD 2024

Issue 12/2022 100 years of AUMUND

How an inventor and engineer’s office became an international conveying and storage technology brand

On 3rd August 1922 Heinrich Aumund founded the company for AUMUND-Patente MB.H. in Berlin, an invention and engineering office, which laid the cornerstone for the globally operating AUMUND Group of...


How Effective is Preventative Maintenance in Saving You Money?

Martin Jackson, Global Custom Care Manager at CDE Global (Fig. 1) assesses the often underestimated benefits of preventative maintenance. With many large scale plant based industries, according to...


How Scrapetec can enhance compliance and worker safety

In the mining industry, compliance with health and safety regulations is essential to protect workers from hazards like respirable crystalline silica. The MSHA Silica Rule, effective June 17, 2024,...


How sensor-based sorting can help unlock untapped potential and meet the rising demand

The global demand for lithium is soaring, driven by the growing adoption of electric vehicles and grid-scale lithium-ion batteries for energy storage. Some forecasts project the demand to reach as...

Issue 11/2023 New e-book about pre-concentration

How sensor-based sorting technology makes mining profitable in line with ESG principles

The mining industry is having to contend with more stringent environmental demands and ever more scarce resources. As a result of increasing energy and raw material prices, sensor-based sorting is...

Issue 11/2022 Recycling secondary resources

How suitable are secondary resources from the demolition and construction industry for the production of novel geopolymer construction materials?

Summary: The global production of high-quality building materials causes enormous resource consumption and releases considerable amounts of CO2, which counteracts the European and global climate...


How to recover and reuse most of the soil on different construction sites

The world could run out of topsoil – in about 60 years if we continue to degrade it at the current rate. In the European Parliament, the first steps for preservation have been taken with the approval...

Issue 04 /2017

HS-Schoch and ZFE will present themselves at the ‘recycling aktiv 2017’

From 27 to 29 April 2017, at the exhibition site in Karlsruhe, HS-Schoch GmbH & Co. KG and ZFE GmbH will ­jointly provide the specialist audience with extensive information about their product...


Human rights in mining

Human Rights crosscut a wide range of issues, and mining activities by their nature can impinge on many of them. Ten years after the adoption of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights...

Issue 04/2015

Hundred percent with innovative concept

After 30 years of gravel extraction at the Hollerner See, a lake between Eching and Unterschleissheim near Munich, the deposits are now exhausted and the Münchner Kies Union (MKU) is relocating to a...
