Highlights at HILLHEAD 2024

High intensity magnetic separation at UK Mining Conference

Bunting is one of the world’s leading designers and manufacturers of magnetic separators, metal detectors and electrostatic separators. The Bunting European manufacturing facilities are in Redditch,...


High Intensity Magnetic Separation at XVIII ECerS

The XVIIIth Conference of the European Ceramic Society took place in Lyon/France on 2 to 6 July 2023. Bunting highlighted the necessity of using high-intensity magnetic separators to remove iron,...

Issue 11/2014

High level of recycling not threatened

A new study conducted by Baden-Württemberg’s State Institute for the Environment, Measurements and Nature Conservation (LUBW) describes how the Ordinance on Substitute Construction Materials (EBV)...

Issue 11/2019 Innovative Stainless Steel Conveyor Belt Cleaner

High Performance + Long Life = Reduced Ownership Cost

A‌ new secondary conveyor belt cleaner has been engineered specifically for challenging applications where traditional designs fail to deliver the necessary performance or wear life. The CleanScrape®...

Issue 05/2018

High performance along the entire value chain with Simotics SD Pro

Simotics SD Pro completes the next generation of low-voltage Simotics SD motors from Siemens. The new variant is equally suited for mains-fed operation or for use with a converter for voltages up to...

Issue 05/2017

High performance in compact form

Compact, easy to transport and versatile – the new crusher for Wohlfarth Baggerbetrieb, a demolition and recycling company, had to be all these things. For this reason, the company decided to buy a...

Issue 05/2022 The new Trio® TC84XR live-shaft cone crusher

High performance in crushed ore and quarry rock application

W‌‌‌eir Minerals has upgraded its range of Trio® TC live-shaft cone crushers. The Trio® TC84XR features all the robust design elements that have made live-shaft crushers a fixture of the mining and...

Issue 11/2013

High performance screening media

Self-cleaning screen media have become the ones to use especially for processing loose, bulk materials. With FLEX-MAT 3  from the partner company Major Wire Industries Ltd., Haver & Boecker offers a...

Issue 09/2021 Straightforward

High performance with low space requirement

T‌he simply designed SBR 3 and SBR 4 construction material recycling screens from EAG Einfach Aufbereiten GmbH process a wide variety of construction materials – more and more also in Switzerland....

Issue 1-2/2012

High performance – low consumption

The Rhomberg Group, a ­renowned, internationally active building group headquartered in Vorarlberg, runs the raw material centre ­Hohenems located only about 18 km from Bregenz. This quarry is one...
