Highlights at HILLHEAD 2024

Full electric processing with KEESTRACK "Electrifying results"

Five end products with a production capacity of 180 t/h and total diesel consumption of 60 l/h – those were the impressive key results of a multi-stage crushing and screening combination of four...

Issue 01-02/2018

Full flexibility with the individual electronic weighing system WK60

Previously, customers could only choose between different scale models with defined technical features. Now these days are gone, since October 2017, PFREUNDT customers can choose from a broad range of...

Issue 10/2010

Full pockets for constant handling rates

Higher conveying volume with minimum cleaning expenditure – the use of solid-rubber belt pockets for the operation of continuous conveyors is a conveying technology still hardly known (Fig. 1)....

Issue 06/2015

Full power in Latvia

Recently dsb Maschinenbau GmbH delivered two units of INNOCRUSH 35 to Sia “STREK” in the port terminal of Riga/Latvia (Fig. 1). The company with its own port terminal, which was established in...

Issue 12/2021

Full process flowsheet for a Hindustan Zinc concentrator plant 

F‌LSmidth has received an order from Hindustan Zinc Limited (HZL) to design and supply the main process equipment across the flowsheet for a lead-zinc concentrator plant. FLSmidth will deliver all the...

Issue 05/2016

Full Screening Power at the Arctic Circle in Norway

Kiruna, the northernmost city of Sweden, is home to an iron ore mine of the same name, which processes and stores pellets. These iron ore pellets are transported from ­Sweden to Norway for shipping. In 1902, a train line was built all the way to Narvik for this purpose. ...

Issue 04/2023 Moerschen Mobile Aufbereitung GmbH

Full width at RecyclingAKTIV 2023

Moerschen Mobile Aufbereitung GmbH will once again be at RecyclingAKTIV in full breadth, presenting a section of its plant portfolio. This time, visitors will also be offered a live demonstration of...

Issue 03/2014

Fully automatic emptying device for Big Bags filled with granular pitch

The Big Bag (FIBC) is a widespread transportation bundle for the most different kinds of bulk solids that has been used for many years. Filling, emptying and the dust-free disposal of the Big Bags is...

Issue 07-08/2016

Fully automatic proportioning plant with a capacity­ of 26 tons in 3 minutes

The quarry company Stricker und Weiken places its trust in fully automatic technology and their own know-how as regards the loading of transport vehicles. This results in optimum plant utilization,...

Issue 05/2009

Fully-mobile crushing station

With the PF300 from Sandvik is now a completely new fully-mobile crushing advancement for on-face mining applications available (Fig. 1). The heart of the PF300 is the Sandvik crushing technology. The...
