The employees of Metso Outotec Germany GmbH mourn the loss of their long-time employee Mr. Thorsten Stellmacher, who passed away unexpectedly at the age of only 58. The management, the works council...
Together with its technology subsidiaries Feige FILLING, AVENTUS and HAVER Automation, HAVER & BOECKER will be presenting the development of its Machinery Division to a Service Division using a hybrid...
AERZEN is one of the pioneers of screw compressor technology and has been supporting the process industry for decades with custom-fit, high-performance and reliable high-end solutions. The specialist...
Ordering crushed stone, sand and gravel digitally and having it delivered without complications will in future also be possible in Austria, Poland and the Czech Republic. Currently, the focus is still...
Dear Readers, Discussions about our long-term raw material resources have been dominating the news of the present for quite some time. How long will phosphorus deposits last in order to be able to...
“For a Sustainable Future” was the motto of the international 16th MiningForum and the exhibition hosted by DMT GROUP in Berlin on 19 and 20 May. The event offered a 360-degree perspective on all...
Summary: The Middle Kingdom dominates the metal resources markets. China's hunger for resources including numerous metals like aluminium, copper, nickel and iron ore has virtually doubled every ten...
Relatively little water used during mining and processing needs to be clean or potable, so mines can reduce both water consumption and treatment costs by understanding what water qualities are needed...
It was the 1980's in the Slovak district of Rožnˇava: during exploration in the area, a talc deposit was discovered. Soon it became clear that it was not just an ordinary finding but one of the...
Carryback is defined as the material that fails to unload from a conveyor belt, adhering to the belt and typically falling off at some point other than the intended discharge, and it’s one of the main...