World’s largest Diamond in over 100 years

TOMRA Sorting Mining congratulates Lucara Diamond Corp. (Lucara) upon the recent recovery of a magnificent 1111 ct type IIa diamond using TOMRA XRT (X-ray transmission) technology at their Karowe Mine in Botswana (Fig.). The diamond, which is the second largest gem quality diamond in history and the largest ever to be recovered through a modern processing facility was recovered by a TOMRA LDR (large diamond recovery) machine utilizing X-ray transmission sensors which was commissioned at Karowe earlier this year. The value of the Diamond is not yet assessed.

Paul Day, Chief Operating Officer at Lucara Diamond Corp. said: “We selected TOMRA XRT following an extensive suite of test work which demonstrated TOMRA XRT technology as a superior technological solution having the highest efficiency of diamond recovery. TOMRA’s technology detects all types of diamonds and has a remarkably small footprint in terms of power and water consumption.” Six TOMRA XRT sorters are in operation at the Karowe Diamond Mine since May 2015 replacing conventional Dense Media Separation (DMS) technology in the -60 to + 8 mm size range. Each sorter can treat up to 150 t/h at over 8000 h/y. Advantages of the XRT technology include its compact footprint, low operating costs, high recovery rates and extremely low concentrate yields. There is no need to further process the sorter’s concentrate before final hand sorting.



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