Variety of sorts
Mogensen Sizer technology for processing sand for renders and mortar rendersThe variety of premixes available on the market for the preparation of concrete, mortar, render, adhesives, coating compounds and related products has steadily increased in recent years and has now reached almost immense proportions. As a result, the process engineering for preparation of the necessary sand mixes must meet extreme requirements in certain applications. The classical Mogensen Sizer technology, which enables multiple separations of different basic materials in a minimum of space is successfully used for modern sand processing in the futuristic mixing tower at Saint-Gobain Weber-Beamix in Eindhoven.
1 Changes on the building materials market
Besides the basic mineral materials like gravel, quartz, stone, lime, cement, gypsum, clay, anhydrite and trass, chemical additives and non-mineral additives are indispensable components for improving the quality of use and working properties of modern building materials. The market can supply optimal special mixes for every application. Crucial for the warranted properties of these products is not only their material composition, but to a large extent their exact compliance with certain particle size specifications and mixing ratios too.
This results...