Correct analysis

Tanzanian Mining Commission invests in X-MET8000 analyzers

H‌itachi High-Tech Analytical Science through its exclusive African Distributor United Scientific (Pty) Ltd based in South Africa has supplied 24 handheld X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) X-MET8000 Geo Expert analyzers to the Tanzanian Mining Commission based in Dodoma to help officials ensure correct analysis of minerals for value determination before they are exported.

Tanzanian Mining Commission invests in 24 Hitachi handheld X-MET8000 analyzers to optimize export process for precious and rare earth element metals
© Hitachi High-Tech Analytical Science

Tanzanian Mining Commission invests in 24 Hitachi handheld X-MET8000 analyzers to optimize export process for precious and rare earth element metals
© Hitachi High-Tech Analytical Science
The Tanzanian Mining Commission has put in place new measures for exporting minerals where mineral values need to be controlled and verified before they are exported out of the country. Mining is one of the leading sectors in Tanzania and exports of minerals such as gold, silver, copper and nickel, are increasing each year as demand for these precious metals grows.

The 24 X-MET8000 Geo Experts bought by the Tanzanian Mining Commission will be used by the officials in the laboratory as well as in mineral and gem houses established throughout the country to verify local ore concentrations prior to export. They will also help to verify that correct value on clearing declaration documentation has been provided before minerals leave the country at various border posts.

Hitachi High-Tech’s instruments were chosen by the Tanzanian Mining Commission due to the robustness, reliability, cloud storage capabilities and flexible package options available for the X-MET8000 Expert Geo as well as the service form its local distributor. Their package includes rare earth elements and precious metals methods to ensure full visibility. The X-MET8000 Expert Geo can analyze REEs including Y, Sc, La, Ce, Pr and Nd in addition to other common elements explored from mines and soils.


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