HAVER IBAU INDIA expands its assembly and stock area
HAVER IBAU INDIA (HIN), with its headquarters in Baroda in the state of Gujarat/India can look back at positive development. The company, mutually founded in late 2008 by HAVER & BOECKER and its subsidiary company IBAU HAMBURG, began its work in newly built offices and production halls with 12 employees. It was necessary to expand the facility just two and half years later in order to keep up with HIN’s large product variety. The HAVER IBAU INDIA product range encompasses single components such as the IBAU screw pump or the HAVER NIAGARA foreign material screening machine, and extends to complete plants for cement conveying into IBAU silos and includes packing plants and bag and bulk loading systems.
In addition to expanding the product range with the newly developed automatic HAVER SpeedFlexx truck loader and the necessary assembly area for it; it was also necessary to increase building space to accommodate expanded stock area and quality control (Fig.). HIN now has 1200 m² of assembly and stock area at its headquarters in Baroda. HIN currently employs 37 workers – 34 are located in Baroda and 3 others in a sales office in Mumbai 500 km away. The expansion of the hall could be successfully finished after a construction time of one year.