Fine Grinding and Dispersing

The Institute for Particle Technology of the Technische Universität Braunschweig/Germany invites from 6th to 9th October 2014 to the yearly seminar on “Fine Grinding and Dispersing” – offering the following courses:

1 Basic Course on Stirred Media Mills, 6th and 7th October

Grinding and dispersing with stirred media mills (Fig.) represent important process steps in many branches of industry. The course gives an overview about the physical phenomena of grinding and dispersing in stirred media mills, and shows how this knowledge can be used for the design and optimization of grinding and dispersing processes. Moreover, the effect of important operating parameters on the grinding and dispersing result as well as the transport behaviour and operating mode of stirred media mills are presented. Last but not least, design aspects of stirred media mills as well as questions of scale-up are addressed.


• introduction and different mill designs

• methods of particle size analysis

• models for describing grinding and dispersing processes

• influence of different parameters on the grinding and dispersing result

• transport behaviour and operation mode

• operation of stirred media mills

• scale-up

2 Workshop on Stirred Media Mills, 8th October

During the workshop the determination of important milling parameters as well as the scale-up from a lab to a production mill will be discussed and shown by different examples. The workshop contains a short repetition of important facts of the basic course. Based on that and consulted by the experience of Prof. Kwade a procedure to determine the cost-effective operation parameters of the milling process will be designed. By means of different examples several milling processes are analyzed, discussed and optimized during the workshop. Additionally a method for the scale-up of stirred media mills will be presented. On this basis a laboratory mill process will be transferred into production scale including the calculation of new operating parameters. There is also the possibility to discuss questions about your own processes including the determination of individual operating parameters.


• determination of important milling parameters

• scale-up from lab to production mill based on an example

• discussion of individual challenges

3 Grinding and Dispersing of Nanoparticles,
8th and 9th October

This advanced course focuses on nanoparticle production via top-down-techniques and associated questions like challenges of suspension stability, product contamination and targeted adjustment of product properties. In the last years nanoparticles have become more important in technology and in many practical applications. Relevant examples are pharmaceutical ingredients for better bioavailability, manufacturing of suspensions for coatings and nanocomposites as well as production of CMP-suspensions for the semiconductor industry. Consequently, applications of nanotechnology have an increasing influence on research and development concerning stirred media mills.


• product requirements

• measuring technology for nanoparticles

• particle interactions and stabilization

• grinding and dispersing of nanoparticles


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