
Dear Readers

What will be the source of energy of the future? Fossil fuels are limited, nuclear fuels are not safe and the disposal of residues has not been solved … and it is doubtful if our worldwide hunger for energy could be satisfied by renewable or regenerative energy sources. Therefore, you should be curious as to the future developments! In the developing countries, coal still plays an important role. Read the articles in our June issue regarding the main topic ‘coal’ from pages 34, 46 and 54.

The recycling potential of ashes and slags was the topic of the Berlin Slag Conference. The possibilities of utilization and the general legal conditions were the subject of controversial discusssion (from p. 11). The major field of mineral processing was dealt with in Freiberg – the first part of the comprehensive coverage of the conference (from p. 21) will also give you a good insight into the present mining projects in the Erzgebirge.

Wishing you enjoyable reading

Dr. Petra Strunk


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