Processing and Recycling 2011 Specialist conference in Freiberg/Germany, 09.-10.11.2011

The Scientific Technical Society of Process Engineering, Frei­berg/Germany, (wissenschaftlich-technische Gesellschaft für Verfahrenstechnik Freiberg – FIA) will again organize the specialist conference “Processing and Recycling” also in 2011. The venue will be the building of Gründer- und Inno­vations­zentrum Freiberg, Chemnitzer Straße 40. The main topics will deal with processes and machinery for processing of mineral raw materials and ores, of renewable raw materials as well as slags and ashes. The material or energetic recycling of waste will also be dealt with. Those interested are invited to take part in the event with lectures, posters and company presentations. Abstracts can be sent by e-mail to the conference organizers by 29.07.2011. A great response would give the organizers much pleasure. Up-to-date information of the conference is available at at the relevant time.


UVR-FIA GmbH, Freiberg (D), E-Mail:,


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