Accurate belt scale integrators from Siemens

First launched in 1999, Milltronics BW500 is widely used in the cement, aggregate and mining industries. Operating with any belt scale or weighfeeder with up to six strain gauge load cells or LVDT (linear variable differential transformer), the BW500 processes belt load and speed signals for accurate flow rate and totalized weight of bulk solids (Fig.). Siemens Industry Auto­mation division has improved its Milltronics BW500 belt scale integrator, and added a new version, Milltronics BW500/L, to its portfolio. The new version, developed specifically for simple applications with belt scales, has two relays. It calculates rate, totalized weight, belt loading and belt speed. The relays are programmable SPST form A contacts rated 5A at 250 V AC non-inductive, reversible. Both versions store parameter data in a non-volatile Flash memory; measurement and control data is always available, even if the unit loses power. The standard Milltronics BW500 comes with five relays, offers additional PID control and batching in its functionalities and is specially designed for complex applications.


Siemens AG, Nürnberg (D), Tel.: +49 911 895-0,



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