Award for successful ­recultivation

The company Kies- und Sandwerk Klocksin GmbH & Co. KG was awarded the “Rekultivierungspreis 2010”. Since the beginning of the 1990s sand and gravelly sand had been extracted in the award-winning quarry Jabel Nordost both above and in the groundwater. The award acknowledged the establishment of a strip ­mining reclamation area that smoothly adjusts to the surrounding landscape (Fig.). When quarrying the raw materials, two gravel-pit lakes and arid succession areas on raw soil were established, forming important stepping-stone biotopes for the settlement of endangered animal and plant communities.

CEMEX Kies Hamburg GmbH & Co. KG and Nordkies GmbH were awarded a special commendation. CEMEX GmbH operates the Zweedorf quarry in an exemplary manner, i.e. actively extracting and simultaneously rehabilitating. In this way, a gravel-pit lake with various islands was created, which are valuable retreat habitats for various bird species. After extracting sand and gravel for the construction of the autobahn A20 in the quarry Glasin Südost, Nordkies GmbH also carried out a renaturalisation project geared to nature conservation. For this purpose a very strongly structured strip mining reclamation area including arid slopes and small waters was created offering protection to endangered species.


Unternehmerverband Mineralischen Baustoffe UVMB e.V.,

Leipzig (D), Tel.: +49 341 520466-0,


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