Ammann Schweiz AG

The Ammann stand on 4000 m2 will once again be among the highlights at the bauma 2010 for customers in the field of road construction. Ammann‘s three-pillar principle of «Ecology-Safety-Reduction» is at the centre of every new product. 100  % reclaimed asphalt. The demand for increasing quantites of reclaimed asphalt (RA) is becoming ever more evident, particularly in Euro­pean countries such as Germany, the Netherlands and Switzerland. This one-time waste product has meanwhile found its way into virtually every recipe for quality asphalt. Ammann‘s innovative concept for processing RA enables addition rates of up to 100  %. The new drying and heating unit from the house of Ammann is based on the counter-flow principle and can heat up to 240 t of asphalt granules per hour. The material has no direct flame contact and is therefore gently heated to the right temperature. Furthermore, the improved drying and heating pro­cess improves efficiency in comparison to conventional systems, thereby enabling fuel savings of around 10 %. The discharge temperatures equate to those of an installable asphalt mixture. The second plant of this type is currently operating in Germany. It enables the production of binder courses consisting of 100 % asphalt granules.

Hall B2, Stand 418; Open air F11, Stand 1109; Open air F12, Stand 1209/1,


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