Contracts for Vale Inco project in Canada

FLSmidth has been awarded contracts from Vale Inco for the supply of comminution and sedimentation equipment for the processing plant project in Long Harbour, Newfoundland/Canada. The scope of supply includes two FLSmidth ball mills (one concentrate, and one limestone grinding system), and thirteen Eimco thickeners and clarifiers which will be used as part of the hydrometallurgical flowsheet for recovering Nickel, Copper and Cobalt from deposits mined at Vale Inco Voisey‘s Bay mine in Labrador, Canada. FLSmidth‘s Salt Lake City and Bethlehem offices in the US are working closely with the engineering and construction company Fluor in Canada, to provide the engineering, design and supply of all key components as well as pre-assembly for shipment to site, erection supervision and commissioning. This project highlights FLSmidth‘s extensive experience in providing very large, innovative, pre-assembled process technology that will reduce construction time and installation costs.


FLSmidth, Salt Lake City/UT (USA), Tel.: +1 801 526 2000, 


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