- Fair
Karlsruhe / Germany

RecyclingAKTIV 2025
Demonstration fair for disposal and recycling
from 09.10.2025 till 11.10.2025
Messe Karlsruhe
Messeallee 1
76287 Rheinstetten
Construction, demolition and landscaping contractors, waste management companies and all related industry players find a condensed information presentation of the product portfolio for recycling technology, construction machinery and construction equipment.
Tailor-made machine solutions for the challenges of the markets are brought to life in hands-on process sequences – either directly at the trade fair stand or on one of the five demonstration building sites and special theme areas. The non-stop live demonstrations in thematic show concepts enable the trade audience to directly compare products and thus provided impulses for increasing efficiency in their own operations.
more: RecyclingAKTIV 2025