GVT - Forschungs-Gesellschaft Verfahrens-Technik e.V. präsentiert:

In-situ wet dedusting

Separation of coarsely dispersed bulk materials with electrostatically charged water
from 22.01.2025 till 22.01.2025

During the processes of handling, transport and storage of bulk materials, particles are emitted due to external stresses. The extent of dusting depends on the material properties of the bulk material, the ambient conditions and the types of stress to which the bulk material is subjected during the process. Conventional methods for reducing particle emissions, such as the use of water to bind dust, are usually linked to high resource and energy requirements, so there is a need for a holistic view of material and stress-specific dust discharge with subsequent resource-saving reduction. The aim of the project was to demonstrate the effectiveness of the dust reduction measure "spray nozzle use" in combination with the effect of electrostatic charging of the droplets. In the webinar, the results obtained in the project will be presented in an illustrative form.

more: In-situ wet dedusting