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Issue 07-08/2020 Recycled glass

A valuable resource for production of high-quality foamglass products

Glass recycling, one of the earliest manifestations of the modern circular economy, has long become established, especially in Europe. In this region, the recycling rate for container glass is > 90 %....

Issue 07-08/2020 Not just on construction sites

Effectively binding dust with water mist

W‌hen new shopping and residential centres are built, obsolete infrastructure must make way. This means extensive demolition and recycling work for the firms involved. Structures are either dismantled...

Issue 07-08/2020 Allrounder

Processing mineral demolition and building materials recycling materials

S‌ince July 2019, a Giporec R 100 FDR Giga has been in operation at Alois Miller and Schwaben Recycling (SRC) GmbH, respectively. Quality and productivity – these are two key features with which the...

Issue 07-08/2020 Untertage

Efficient TAKRAF belt conveyor technology at one of the largest copper mines in the world

In 2019, the Chuquicamata mine – one of the largest copper mines in the world – was converted from an open-pit mine to an underground operation. In 2015, TAKRAF was contracted to supply the principal...

Issue 07-08/2020 Brand in its own right

Rotor impact mill from BHS-Sonthofen turns off-spec particles into premium sand

S‌and manufacturer Kasprs Build Mate inaugurated a new plant for processing off-spec particles in Pune/India, in mid-2019. The centerpiece of the plant is the rotor impact mill from BHS-Sonthofen,...

Issue 07-08/2020 Optimized production

Large zeolite manufacturer in China works with granulation technology from EIRICH

T‌he company has been manufacturing synthetic zeolite powders since 2002. The company has earned a good reputation among its customers in the areas of air separation and purification, petrochemical...

Issue 07-08/2020 Thoughtful

Safety and ergonomics play a major role

T‌he operation of large machines is often associated with an increased risk potential. This also applies to crushing and screening plants, where large lumps of rock are processed into small grain...

Issue 07-08/2020 “Fine out”

Metso service check for screening machines

S‌creening machines are regularly used in mining and aggregate production to separate rocks, ores and other materials according to grain shape and size. Irrespective of the specific purpose of each...

Issue 07-08/2020 REMA PERFORMANCEline 35/CN

First-class abrasion values of less than 100 mm³

R‌‌‌ EMA TIP TOP presents a revised version of the REMA PERFORMANCEline 35/CN: The high-quality wear protection product for wet processing and conveying of sludges now achieves a first-class abrasion...

Issue 07-08/2020 Digital offer

TOMRA introduces virtual demonstration and test sessions

E‌nsuring business continuity at this time is of paramount importance for mining operations. This includes taking forward ongoing investment projects in sorting equipment to improve their efficiency...


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