FLSmidth targets carbon neutrality by 2030

FLSmidth, a global technology leader in the mining and cement industries, received validation from the Science Based Targets initiative for its carbon emission reduction targets. By implementing its MissionZero programme to achieve these targets, the company will help keep global warming below 1.5°C at the same time as delivering solutions to help reduce global CO2 emissions by more than 10% – and becoming carbon neutral in its own operations by 2030.

FLSmidth headquarters in Denmark
© FLSmidth

FLSmidth headquarters in Denmark
© FLSmidth
In November 2019, FLSmidth announced its new sustainability ambition, as defined in the MissionZero programme. In short, the programme aims to provide zero-emission technology to the mining and cement industry by 2030, enabling a potential 10 % reduction in the world’s CO2 emissions. The Science Based Targets cover the company’s emissions throughout the value chain – from its own operations, from its supply chain and, most prominently, from its customers. The latter account for > 95 % of its emissions.

According to the Science Based Targets pledge, by 2030 FLSmidth will

·       be carbon-neutral in its own operations

·       have 30 % of its spend with suppliers with similar decarbonisation targets

·       cut customer-associated emissions per revenue by 56 %, or 7 % year on year

To achieve these ambitious Science Based Targets, FLSmidth will

·       work in partnership with its customers to improve their sustainability performance with FLSmidth’s flagship solutions

·       accelerate investment in sustainability-related R&D and engage in strategic industry and university partnerships around the world to develop new solutions

·       invest in renewable energy for its own operations

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