EMC 2023 – Save the Date & Call for Papers

The upcoming EMC will take place from June 11 to 14, 2023, in Düsseldorf/Germany.

The GDMB Society of Metallurgists and Miners invites to the European Metallurgical Conference, EMC 2023, the most important conference in Europe dedicated to non-ferrous metals. It is particularly directed to metal producers, plant manufacturers, equipment suppliers and service providers as well as members of universities and consultants.


Call for Papers

Use the opportunity to participate in the EMC 2023 with your own lecture and to provide insight in your research and be part of this forum for international knowledge exchange. Prospective authors wishing to present papers are invited to submit the title, the name(s) of the author(s) and an abstract of 250 to 300 words (in English) by June 10, 2022, the latest, to emc@gdmb.de.

Nevertheless, we would very much appreciate if you could also pass this Call for Papers to interested colleagues of yours.


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