Blickfeld GmbH

Digital inventory management with 3D LiDAR

At the SOLIDS 2023 trade show, Blickfeld will showcase a 3D LiDAR-based solution for bulk material volume monitoring that gives companies access to digital on-demand information about their inventories across locations. Blickfeld’s solution enables granule, powder and bulk material processing companies to replace their often-inaccurate analog measurement and estimation methods and further digitalize their processes.

Point clouds capture the x, y and z coordinates of every single point in an object
© Blickfeld

Point clouds capture the x, y and z coordinates of every single point in an object
© Blickfeld
The 3D LiDAR-based solution continuously generates volume data in real-time and automatically feeds it into the applying company’s IT systems. As a result, employees across locations have an accurate and reliable overview of material inventories at their disposal at all times for analysis, planning, execution, control and implementation of their processes. Thus, companies can organize their inventory management in a more efficient way and further digitalize and automate their supply chain.

The 3D LiDAR-based solution continuously generates volume data in real-time
© Blickfeld

The 3D LiDAR-based solution continuously generates volume data in real-time
© Blickfeld
On March 30, 2023, from 2:05 p.m. to 2:35 p.m., Blickfeld will participate with a lecture in the SolutionCenter in Hall 4: “Accurate Real-Time Volume Measurement of Bulk Solids with 3D LiDAR Sensors” by Christian Waizenegger, Vice President Industry Sales & Business Development, Blickfeld GmbH.

Hall 5, stand K12-05

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