New sales office in the UK
To further develop the UK market, UWT GmbH, specialist in bulk solids level measurement, has opened a new sales office in the country. From the town of Shrewsbury, Graeme Hughes has been supporting UWT clients since the beginning of October 2009. His objective is to raise the profile of the UWT range of products for level sensors, such as Rotonivo, Vibranivo, Nivobob and Nivowave in the UK. Graeme Hughes brings to UWT many years of technical sales experience in a wide range of industries including quarrying, steel/paper manufacturing and mining. The new sales office in the county of Shropshire joins UWT’s international offices in Memphis (USA) and Shanghai (China) in working to supply UWT product solutions for all bulk solids applications in which level or content measurement is required.
UWT GmbH, Betzigau (D),
Tel.: +49 831 57123-0,